Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day!

Taking a break from A-Z entries. . .

Today is Mother's Day and I would like to say "Happy Mother's Day to all the mommys and mommys to be!"

Today Anthony, my husband and I are going to my mother's house for lunch. I bought my mother a variety pack from Omaha Steaks as her mother's day gift. I think she will enjoy it!

Last weekend my older sister and I went to the strawberry patch! I wanted to take Anthony since he loves to be around people and also I knew he would like picking the strawberries. He seemed to like the white flowers on the plants more than the strawberries, lol. AND I was able to fit through the hole on the moonbounce to take Anthony inside! Here are pictures:

Also, Anthony is getting his FIRST tooth in! About time, he is a year old! AND he started walking this week! Lots of exciting BIG things happening for such a small boy.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

B is for Blood Pressure

B is for BLOOD PRESSURE, although it could pass for boogers today! (I have been battling allergies all week.)

Blood pressure: (noun) The pressure of the blood in the circulatory system.

I was diagnosed with hypertension, high blood pressure(HBP) when I was pregnant last year which ended up placing me on bed rest the last 5wks of my pregnancy. My son is now almost a year old and I still have it. Although this is a condition that I have not taken too seriously, it should be treated as one. HBP can lead to other serious conditions such as stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, or loss of vision.

There are several factors that can cause HBP:

Too much salt in diet
Family History

And many more. The doctors seem to think that it’s the weight, in my case that is causing my HBP. At first I was in denial, but I am coming to terms with it now. Of course I could eat healthier and begin an exercise routine but I just can’t get motivated to do so. I know wanting to be around for my family in the future should make me want to jump on the healthy wagon right away but for now I will continue to take my medicine to help control it.

So, there’s the entry for the letter “B”. I wanted to put out there the awareness for Blood Pressure and the importance of keeping track of your very own. I guess in this case it would be “Do as I say, not as I do”, LOL.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A to Z Challenge

I ran across a blog today, A to Z challenge where Monday-Saturday you write about each letter of the alphabet, by the end of the month you have written 26entries and completed the alphabet. Since it is the middle of the month and I am just now finding this blog, I have decided to make my own rules. I will be starting with A, today =D


Achievement: noun; a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage or skill.

As I think about the timeline of my past years, I have noticed there are so many achievements I have accomplished whether it be something small or something big. From learning to tie my shoe laces to learning how to drive a car.

There are even everyday simple achievements that I come across but many go unnoticed and I'm ok with that. I hope to achieve many more things as I mature and grow older. A few achievements I would like to accomplish within the next few years are:

  • to achieve a healthy weight and health
  • to start a savings plan for my son(possibly more children)to attend college
  • to finish/complete my criminal justice degree
Tonight, my son achieved taking his first two steps on his own! The rush and joy I felt in that moment was so amazing, seeing the smile on his face. Of course I screamed with excitement and ended up scaring him, lol. But it got me thinking, achievements. There are so many that he will be accomplishing during these early years of development and I don't want to miss a moment. I don't want not one of them to go unnoticed.

. . .I can't wait to see what he achieves tomorrow.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

New Things are Fun!

Decided to start a blog today! I am very excited. I hope to write about our family adventures and daily happenings. With a baby around there is plenty of excitement around here to talk about!

Today we went to the park and to party city to pick up some last minute details for Anthony's first birthday party which is on Saturday!

Anthony's party is going to be Sesame Street theme.

Decorations: My older sister and I made a birthday banner and door sign the other weekend, they both turned out very cute! I am going to cut out the shape of Big Bird's feet out of poster foam and place them on the stairs going into the house. I bought streamers and going to tie balloons around a small Elmo and Cookie Monster to use as a center piece.

For games: Since Anthony is still young and can't really play any games yet, I have decided to get a cookie jar and fill with cookies and have the adults guess how many are inside. Who ever guesses the correct amount wins the cookie jar! We will also be painting 4x6 5x7 & 8x10 canvas to go on Anthony's wall in his room. I haven't quite decided what I am going to ask the adults to paint on them yet. I was thinking about either the theme, "paint what you think Anthony will grow up to be" or "inspirational words/quotes".

Clothes: Anthony is going to wear a shirt that I ironed on a cookie monster face and wrote "Birthday Monster" on the front and "Anthony 1" on the back(I had to buy a white girl tshirt for him since I couldn't find a boy tshirt without a pocket on the front, hopefully no-one will notice, LOL). My husband is wearing a shirt that says "D is for Daddy" and mine says, "M is for Mommy".

Thank You: I made candy wrappers and wrapped a hersey bar inside to give as a "thank you gift". I am also thinking about printing out some 4x6 photos and putting them in a picture frame and giving them as a gift also.

Cake: The cake is going to be really cute! I wish I had a picture to show, I will post it after the party on Saturday! It is going to be blue/white marble batter inside with white icing on the outside & blue, yellow, red and green dots all around w/ elmo, cookie monster, and bidbirds face on it. It's also going to have half a cake ontop with the Sesame Street sign with the #1 and Anthony written on it. For Anthony's smash cake, I originally decided to have a 5in round cake decorated as a cookie to go with his cookie monster shirt but I have recently decided that I want the smash cake to be cookie monster instead. I'm still waiting on the cake lady to let me know if it's possible to change this late or not.

Ok, well, that's it for now!
