Thursday, April 14, 2011

B is for Blood Pressure

B is for BLOOD PRESSURE, although it could pass for boogers today! (I have been battling allergies all week.)

Blood pressure: (noun) The pressure of the blood in the circulatory system.

I was diagnosed with hypertension, high blood pressure(HBP) when I was pregnant last year which ended up placing me on bed rest the last 5wks of my pregnancy. My son is now almost a year old and I still have it. Although this is a condition that I have not taken too seriously, it should be treated as one. HBP can lead to other serious conditions such as stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, or loss of vision.

There are several factors that can cause HBP:

Too much salt in diet
Family History

And many more. The doctors seem to think that it’s the weight, in my case that is causing my HBP. At first I was in denial, but I am coming to terms with it now. Of course I could eat healthier and begin an exercise routine but I just can’t get motivated to do so. I know wanting to be around for my family in the future should make me want to jump on the healthy wagon right away but for now I will continue to take my medicine to help control it.

So, there’s the entry for the letter “B”. I wanted to put out there the awareness for Blood Pressure and the importance of keeping track of your very own. I guess in this case it would be “Do as I say, not as I do”, LOL.